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Business Investor



Individuals with business management expertise and a specific net worth who want to operate a business in Canada may be eligible to apply. The Entrepreneur Program is unique to each province. British Columbia has a specific Provincial Nominee Program for Entrepreneurs. The Regional Pilot Program and the Base Category.


In Canada, you may be able to own and manage a business. A particular sort of LMIA variant exists in which a person has a majority share of the company by being a single proprietor or possessing a 50.1% stake in the company. Suitable for those wishing to boost their Express Entry credentials by working as a manager or CEO in their company.


Individuals who are self-employed and have considerable world-class expertise in Cultural or Athletic activities may be qualified to apply under the Canadian Self-employed immigration program.


You may be able to apply for the Intra-Company Transfer Program if you want to transfer employees from a branch, parent, subsidiary, or your company. If your company wants to establish a branch, subsidiary, or affiliate in Canada, you may be able to apply for a work visa under the Intra-Company Transfer Program.



Opportunities for businessmen who are considering moving to Canada

A company owner or manager who wishes to come to Canada may be able to do so through options provided by the Canadian federal and provincial governments.

Introduction to : Business Immigration for Entrepreneurs

Through its Business Class immigration programs, Canada seeks to attract individuals who can significantly contribute to the Canadian economy. These initiatives aim to promote economic growth and improve the labor market by attracting international investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed persons with accessible venture capital, strong business acumen, and entrepreneurial talents.

Business Class immigration attempts to establish new business prospects in Canada and strengthen Canada’s access to markets abroad by accepting foreign nationals who are familiar with expanding global markets and their specific requirements and cultures.

If this seems like something you’d be interested in, there are a few different paths you may take. Depending on where you want to live, you may apply through a provincial program, such as the Provincial business immigration programs, or through the federal  business immigration programs. Begin by completing a free evaluation, and we would be happy to discuss your Business Class immigration possibilities with you.



To immigrate to Canada.

Canada Start-Up Visa Program

The Start-Up Visa Program encourages immigrant entrepreneurs to expand their businesses in Canada. It is intended for businesses that are creative, will create employment in Canada, and can compete on a worldwide basis.

Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program

The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program is created to allow qualified individuals ,business owners and managers to create or acquire business, specifically in the province of Prince Edward Island .

Provincal Entrepreneur

Within the Provincial Nominee Programs, Canada’s provinces provide a variety of entrepreneurial categories. Through one of these categories, immigrant entrepreneurs can settle in a particular province.

Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program

Opportunity for individuals and investors looking to relocate to Canada.

The Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program was established to enable eligible people, business owners, and managers to establish or buy a business in the province of Prince Edward Island.

Introduction :

Depending on your net worth, capacity and desire to invest in Canada, management abilities, and business acumen, investing in Canada might be a path to permanent residency inside the nation.

Check your Eligibility Want to know if you are eligible to immigrate to Canada?


Opportunities for self-employed people looking to migrate to Canada


The Canadian government, as well as the provincial governments offer immigration options for self-employed persons in specific fields.

Introduction to : Federal Self-Employed Persons Program

To be eligible for this program, you must be able to be self-employed effectively in Canada, and also make a significant contribution to your profession. A candidate must have relevant agricultural, artistic, or athletic experience.


BUSINESS VISITORS | Work without a work permit

Opportunity for business travelers who wish to work in Canada on a short term basis.

A Canadian work permit is not always required for business visits. Furthermore, a circumstance may arise in which an individual may be able to work in Canada without the requirement for a Temporary Work Permit.

Introduction to : Business Visitors

When a foreign citizen enters Canada to do business but does not enter the Canadian labour market, they are referred to as a business visitor and are permitted to work without a work permit.

Because Canada has one of the world’s largest and strongest economies, as well as membership in the OECD and the G7, millions of short-term business travelers come every year, and Canada works hard to ensure that business visits to Canada are possible. Depending on their nationality and the nature of their profession, some of these tourists may be able to conduct commerce or trade without requiring a work permit.