This is our only website and office . Currently we don’t have any agent / branch outside of Canada

Our Prices

Prices of Professional Immigration Services

Application Types Professional Fees Government Fees

Package for Guided Application


Assessment & Consultation Package


Consultations with Regulated Immigration Consultant


20 min – $.60.00

( four questions Maximum)

40 min – $100.00

( eight questions Maximum)


*If retained for file work within 10 business days, consultation fee is credited towards the retainer


Consultations with Ali Saad Tariq

(Business immigration, self- employed immigration, complex EE FSW cases, applications after refusals, LMIA based applications, LMIA-exempt applications, etc.)





60 min – $347.00




*If retained for file work within 10 business days, consultation fee is credited towards the retainer


Consultations with Ali Saad Tariq: CUAET status applicants in Canada



30 min – $200.00






Express Entry immigration process

Canadian Experience Class (PGWP without any Foreign Work Experience)


$ 2,500 to $ 3,700

55   % of fee (EE profile)

45 % of fee (PR

submission) Additional fees:

$500.00/spouse (PR stage)

$1,000.00/common-law partner (PR stage)


$850.00 IRCC PR processing fees/per adult

$515.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per adult

$230.00 IRCC processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/ per person (if biometrics required)



Express Entry immigration process

Canadian Experience Class (LMIA-based WP/SOWP or PGWP) with Foreign

Work Experience


$3,500 to $ 4,700

45% of fee (EE profile)

55% of fee (PR

submission) Additional fees:

$500.00/spouse (PR stage)

$1,000.00/common-law partner (PR stage)


$850.00 IRCC PR processing fees/per adult

$515.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per adult

$230.00 IRCC processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/ per person (if biometrics required)





Express Entry immigration process – FSW category


$4,500 to $5,500

45% of fee (EE profile)

55% of fee (PR

submission) Additional fees:

$500.00/spouse (PR stage)

$1,000.00/common-law partner (PR stage)


$850.00 IRCC PR processing fees/per adult

$515.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per adult

$230.00 IRCC processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/ per person (if biometrics required)






PNP application (non-EE)



$4,500 to $ 6,500 (impacted by the case’s complexity)

Additional fees:

$500.00/spouse (PR stage)

$1,000.00/common-law partner (PR stage)


PNP fees vary: $0.00 –


$850.00 IRCC PR processing fees/per adult

$515.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per adult

$230.00 IRCC processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)


Study Permit application

Package includes:

*Enrollment DLI/Private


*SP application submission

*1 resubmission

*ATIP report request





$1,000 to $1,700.00


$150.00 IRCC SP application fees/per person/per application (additional IRCC applicable with the re-submission)

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)



Study Permit application

if Pathway program in Canada already completed



$1100  to $1400


$150.00 IRCC SP application fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)




Study Permit application after refusal

+ATIP report request (for previous refusal)




$1900 to $2600


$150.00 IRCC SP application fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC application fees/per person

(if biometrics required)

$5.00 IRCC ATIP request fees



PGWP application

(Post-Graduate Work Permit application)




$400 to $700


$155.00 IRCC WP application fees/per person

$100.00 IRCC Open Work Permit holder fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)


TRV application

(in Canada applicants with the authorized legal status: SP, PGWP, OWP, SOWP, WP)



$370 to $470


$100.00 IRCC application fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)


TRV application

(overseas principal applicant with the family connection in Canada)


$700 to $1100

(impacted by the case’s complexity)


$100.00 IRCC application fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)



TRV application

(overseas principal applicant – NO family connection in Canada)


$1000 to $1400 (impacted by the case’s complexity)







TRV application after refusal

+ATIP report request (for previous refusal)



$1100 to $1600 (impacted by the case’s complexity)


$100.00 IRCC application fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (i biometrics required)

$5.00 IRCC ATIP request fees



Restoration of status application

(in Canada)



TRV status: $900 to $1200.

SP status: $1400 to $1700.

WP status: $1700 to $2000.


$200.00 IRCC application fees TRV/per person

$350.00 IRCC application fees SP/per person

$355.00 IRCC application fees WP/per person





Spousal Sponsorship application



Open Work Permit Application based on Spousal Sponsorship Application






$3800 to $ 4800





$ 400 to $550


$75.00 IRCC sponsorship fees/sponsor

$475.00 IRCC processing fees/per sponsored adult;

$515.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per sponsored adult

$155.00 IRCC PR processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)

$155.00 IRCC application fees for WP

$100.00 IRCC Open Work Permit holder fees





Common-Law Sponsorship application



Open Work Permit Application based on Spousal Sponsorship Application






$3900 to $4700





$400 to $500


$75.00 IRCC sponsorship fees/sponsor

$475.00 IRCC processing fees/per sponsored adult;

$515.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per sponsored adult

$155.00 IRCC PR processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)

$155.00 IRCC application fees for WP

$100.00 IRCC Open Work Permit holder fees






Family Sponsorship application

(parents and grandparents)






$3500 to $4400


$75.00 IRCC sponsorship fees/sponsor

$475.00 IRCC processing fees/ per sponsored adult;

$515.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per sponsored adult

$155.00 IRCC PR processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)




Super Visa application

(parents and grandparents)



$ 1100 to $1600 /per applicant


$100.00 IRCC application fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)






H&C Application




Starting from $6000 (impacted by the case’s complexity)


$550.00 IRCC PR processing fees/ per adult

$500.00 ROPR IRCC fees/per adult

$150.00 IRCC processing fees/per child

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)



(Labor Market Impact Assessment) application


$2600 to $3600 (impacted by the case’s complexity)


$1,000.00 ESDC/IRCC

application fees/per application




LMIA – Exempt Work Permit application



$2100 – $3800

(impacted by the case’s complexity)


$155.00 IRCC application fees/per applicant

$230.00 IRCC employer compliance fee (if applicable)

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)



LMIA – based Work Permit application


$1700 to $2700

(impacted by the case’s complexity)


$155.00 IRCC application fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)




ICT Work Permit application




$3500 to $4500


$155.00 IRCC application fees/per person

$230.00 compliance fees

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)




NAFTA Work Permit application




$2400 to $3500


$155.00 IRCC application fees/per applicant

$230.00 IRCC employer compliance fee

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)




Open Work Permit application

(spouse & common-law)



$1400 to $2100

(impacted by the case’s complexity)


$155.00 IRCC application fees/per applicant

$100.00 IRCC open work permi holder fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)



Open Work Permit application (spouse & common-law) after refusal

+ ATIP report request (for previous refusal)





$1700 to $2400


$155.00 IRCC application fees/per applicant

$100.00 IRCC open work permi holder fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)

$5.00 IRCC ATIP request


PR Card renewal application


$900 to $ 1400


$50.00 IRCC application fees/per person



Permanent Resident Travel document application


$700 to $1100


$50.00 IRCC application fees/per person




Citizenship Application



$ 800 to $1600


$630.00 IRCC application fees/per adult

$100.00 IRCC application fees/per minor



Fairness letter response


$2100 to $3100 (impacted by the case’s complexity)




Owner Operator LMIA application


$7700 to $9000  (impacted by the case’s complexity)


$1,000.00 ESDC/IRCC

application fees/per application




Owner Operator Work Permit



$3400 to $4200 (impacted by the case’s complexity)


$155.00 IRCC application fees/ per person

$100.00 IRCC open work permit holder fees/per person

$85.00 IRCC fees/per person (if biometrics required)



We at AST International Visa and Immigration Services want to provide you with the finest service possible at a competitive price. Because of this, we give our Best Deal Promise (BDP). You will receive the greatest quality service for the lowest price possible thanks to our Best Deal Promise (BDP). We will match any qualified quotation you receive for less from an equivalent immigration or legal company, plus an extra 11% off.

To receive a Best Deal Promise (BDP)., you must submit a copy of your quote, which must be in writing and include the letterhead or direct email from the quoting organization, listing the services, currency, and scope of services provided. AST International Visa and Immigration Services reserve the right to approve, match, or beat any prices provided. The range of services must be comparable to AST International Visa and Immigration Services. The guarantee enables the price to be matched for the similar scope as stated in the quote from the competitor. Prices will be matched on the basis of the base price, excluding taxes, government charges, and other expenses. Prices included in the best price guarantee are good for ten (10) business days after the client was informed of our offer. The Best Deal Promise (BDP) cannot be altered or updated once it has been delivered to the customer. Based on their years of expertise, client testimonials, location, and size of company, competitors’ estimates are taken into account. Immigration cases that are considered to be difficult are not eligible for BDP. Without giving prior warning, AST International Visa and Immigration Services retain the right to modify its terms and conditions any time.


  • Prices are subject to change without notice.
  • The cost is determined by case’s complexity and variety of factors (previous immigration history, travel history, current status, government processing times, family size, overall complexity, inadmissibility factors, number of offences etc.)
  • Taxes may be applied.
  • For any additional programs that are not listed, please contact us for an appointment.
  • If a client pays in a currency other than Canadian dollars, we will charge the current Canadian dollar exchange rate ( i.e. the exchange rate on date and time of payment not according to the date of retainer agreement)
  • This page was last updated on February 2nd, 2023.


Assessment & Consultation Package

$799 Cad

In order to apply by yourself in the selected Canadian immigration and Visa categories .  You will get following services in this package :

  • One time complete assessment Of Your Application
  • One time complete assessment Of Your Documents
  • One time professional evaluation statement created by  Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant(RCIC)
  • Highlight errors and recommendations for supporting paperwork./ documents
  • Professional evaluation statement  sent  within 09 Business Days
  • sixty minute / one hour of total consultation with a RCIC ( one session )
  • Cost/fee adjustment if you decide to upgrade the service you need.


Package for Guided Application



In order to apply by yourself in the selected Canadian immigration and Visa categories .  You will get following services in this package :

  • We will provide you documents checklists
  • We will provide you instructions for application
  • Two time complete assessment Of Your Application. (Evaluation following the assessment/recommendations Is Included).
  • Two time complete assessment Of Your Documents (Evaluation following the assessment/recommendations Is Included).
  • One time professional evaluation statement created by  Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant(RCIC)
  • Highlight errors and recommendations for supporting paperwork./ documents
  • Professional evaluation statement  sent  within 09 Business Days
  • One hundred and twenty minute / two hour of total consultation with a RCIC ( two sessions)
  • Cost/fee adjustment if you decide to upgrade the service you need.