This is our only website and office . Currently we don’t have any agent / branch outside of Canada

Study / Admission Assessment Form

Meet Mr. Ali Saad Tariq , a former international student who immigrated to Canada and now works as a regulated Canadian immigration consultant and education consultant. Originally from Punjab , after getting education as an international student started working as a college teacher , sharing his expertise with students. However, with a growing interest in helping others navigate the education system and complex Canadian immigration system, Mr. Tariq pursued a career in immigration consulting. He now works as a licensed consultant, providing guidance and assistance to individuals and families who wish to come to Canada. Additionally, he also provides educational consulting services, helping students from all over the world find the right academic programs and institutions in Canada. With his experience as a former international student , as a Canadian immigrant and college teacher, Mr. Tariq brings a unique perspective and valuable expertise to his clients.

Our team can help you in getting admissions in world’s renowned universities and colleges. Our professional team will also help you in getting student permit/ student visa in Canada, Australia, United Kingdom (UK) , United States of America (USA) and in Ireland.

Please fill the evaluation form below and we contact you.